March docs challenge
Addison Berry
2009-03-11 13:34:02 UTC
add1sun has posted at http://groups.drupal.org/node/19963
March docs challenge
The March docs challenge (http://rocktreesky.com/docs-challenge-march-style-guide-review
) is now up - better late than never! This month we are going to try
to make things spiffy by applying the new, updated style guide to
the handbook.
I'll be working on it myself and hanging out in IRC from 7-8 pm EDT
(4 pm PDT) each Monday evening for the rest of March. I encourage
everyone to dig in whenever they have time, even if it is only 15-30
minutes every so often and, if you are an IRC kinda person, please
hang out in #drupal-docs to help answer questions.
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
