IRC meeting summary for Nov. 7
Addison Berry
2008-11-07 20:53:22 UTC
Group post at http://groups.drupal.org/node/16581

Copy of the post:

HUGE thanks to HansBKK for doing the summary this time round. Here is
the full log: http://pastebin.com/f31e56f30 This is the summary for
today's IRC meeting, with a few edits by me:

Meeting agenda: http://groups.drupal.org/node/16343

**Announcement**: ical feed on the group's upcoming events block

Assessing open editing
Addy's thoughts: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/2008-November/006351.htm

Consensus it's all good, non-docs team people making useful edits,
it's quick to review, just check the diff. Decision: Leave it open,
revisit if issues later on, no fixed review date.

Most people don't know they can edit, suggestion to encourage them,
along the lines of "This is a community contributed page. Please feel
free to improve it with your edits."

Some issues re test posts, spam but not a lot. Creation of a sandbox
for noobs to test post to, could link from the "Please do NOT post
test pages. Drupal.org is a production site and you will not be able
to delete content once you post it." text.

Also steer people to the issues queue to ask for help re creating pages.

Addy's idea on a "speed bump" on creating pages, parking them in a
separate book to then be placed (by doc team members?): http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/2008-November/006351.htm

Idea to let the author suggest a place then let it be confirmed or
moved rather than a separate book? Needs infrastructure. Don't want to
create bottleneck or extra management overhead, leave for redesign.

Idea to display badges based on docteam membership, site maintainer
role, help prioritize edits needing review.

Redesign ideas - would be great if only a small subset of people made
"structural" changes.

a rating system on posts that flowed through to user ratings

Thank you messages and invitation to join the docs team - automated?

Tracking who's making a lot of edits recently.

Way to flag edits not yet reviewed - workflow system.

**Things to work on**
Recent edits page at http://drupal.org/handbook/updates needs a pager
rather than just bumping the fixed number up, pending Views

Need to get one non-conflicting patch made and then Addy will poke the
infra dudes.

Redesign effort, current doc-specific thread: http://groups.drupal.org/node/15965

Current design iteration: http://groups.drupal.org/node/16548

Other projects
Work needed on getting some content into the D6 getting started guide,
and getting the handbook style guide reviewed, refreshed and
prominent, actually use it once we have something we like. Addy wants
to work on templates,like README.txt files for module devs and various
handook content like snippets.

We need to continue discussion and plan another meeting to line up

**Summarizer's current hobby horse:**
Decision needed on the version "forking" issue, e.g. reorg the theme

Briefing doc on groups page, then vote?

Or if decision is yes, merge topics then next process is deciding
specifically how to start the process.

- Addi (add1sun)
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