i'd like to suggest, examples. ie. a simple fapi array gives what type
would take many more words. and the example only needs to cover the
then no need to create the whole form, just that element.
you've got the basics.
Post by Sameer SiruguriSteven,
the feedback I have seen on different forums is not very detailed --
it's mostly of the sort, "I wish there were more
detailed/comprehensive documentation about forms."
One proposal I have is that we start putting something out there and
see how people react to it, sort of a wiki style of doing it, where we
incorporate comments over time once there is something to comment to.
Alternatively, we could canvas some of the people who have commented
on various Drupal related websites about the difficulty of getting
comprehensive documentation and ask what they are lacking.
I think the spectrum will be fairly wide in terms of expertise people
who are looking for Forms docs already have, but I wouldn't be
surprised if many of them are newbies trying to get to grips with the
basics. As Nancy notes, there will also be people looking to do
dynamic elements and multi-stage forms.
One idea I had was to first create the detailed description of
_everything_ the API does, and then write an FAQ for some of the
common-case tasks, that point to entries in the detailed description.
Essentially, before launching into the massive effort of documenting
FormAPI, we should have the discussion: 'What should we document'.
You mention: "lots of folks have been commenting on the lack of
something good". What are they after? Are they newbies getting to
grips with forms? Are they experienced developers wanting to do more?
Can anyone suggest what the FormAPI docs should cover?
Steven Jones
ComputerMinds ltd - Perfect Drupal Websites
Phone : 0121 288 0434
Mobile : 07951 270 026
> Steven,
> good to hear from you. I cannot make DrupalCon in DC, more's the
pity. I am
> interested in learning more about your views on how to properly
document the
> Forms API. Did you mean to say that the outline written by
Steven Peck is
> the one you have some doubts about? Or just the general style of the
> content?
> I am interested in getting content out there asap, lots of folks
have been
> commenting on the lack of something good. Personally, I think
having an
> explanation of the steps inside drupal_get_form (process,
prepare, alter,
> render, etc.) would be very useful, esp. for ninja developers.
It's easy to
> get things mixed up if you don't know the exact order in which
these steps
> are called, including the parts where weights get sorted out,
and when
> pre/post_render functions get called.
> I would love to discuss some of these over email, if that's
possible, or of
> course, to hear more about what you learn at DrupalCon.
> Cheers!
> Sameer.
>> Hi Sameer,
>> I actually was just the last person to edit that page, the
content is
>> down to Steven Peck.
>> In any case I'm not sure that documenting FormAPI like that is the
>> best way to go. Like you I've wanted to document FormAPI better
for a
>> while now, but I'm not sure the best way to approach it. Maybe we
>> could gather a few interested parties at Drupalcon D.C. and have a
>> little chat about the best way forward.
>> Are the any other's who'd be interested in helping out with
FormAPI docs?
>> Regards
>> Steven Jones
>> ComputerMinds ltd - Perfect Drupal Websites
>> Phone : 0121 288 0434
>> Mobile : 07951 270 026
>> http://www.computerminds.co.uk
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I have been interested in fleshing out, and collating, the
>> > for
>> > the Forms API for some time now, and recently got started on
writing out
>> > the
>> > material that would go under the headings that Steven Jones
wrote out on
>> > this page: http://drupal.org/node/204270 (Here's a page I
wrote, with
>> > one
>> > child: http://drupal.org/node/384120)
>> >
>> > Here's the problem I ran into: After writing some pages down, I
>> > sheepishly
>> > realized that some material already existed as child pages.
But I don't
>> > have
>> > edit permissions to the top level of those child pages, which
makes it
>> > hard
>> > to incorporate some of my changes and esp. to consolidate all the
>> > material
>> > at the top level.
>> >
>> > Here are some solutions: I could go ahead and build out all
the material
>> > and
>> > then propose a consolidation. I could build it on my own
website and
>> > find
>> > some way to export the book to be imported into Drupal.org. I
could have
>> > access to the top level pages. I could do something during
>> >
>> > I am open to suggestions. Thanks!
>> > Sameer.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
>> > List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
>> >
>> --
>> Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
>> List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
> --
> Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
> List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/