Drupalcon Sprint planning
Addison Berry
2009-03-02 12:59:32 UTC
Hey all,

I want to start focusing a bit more on what we will be doing on
Saturday for the Doc sprint. There is a general post up at http://dc2009.drupalcon.org/session/documentation-sprint
and there is a Doodle to volunteer with helping at http://www.doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=nmuqmevpftx64bfz
(please sign up for slots, even if it is only an hour and others
already have it marked; we'll need more than one or two people per
slot :-)). Keep in mind that we will be doing the sprint online as
well as in DC, so we will have IRC participants too.

I have created a page in the community initiatives section (http://drupal.org/node/388470
) where we can fill out more details for sprint tasks, so please,
please help fill that page out. We also need to make sure we review
the New editorial style guide (http://drupal.org/node/377274) this
week as I would like to have that pretty well nailed down so people
can begin doing style reviews.

** If you wish to organize a "working group" on a particular issue
during the sprint (e.g. theme docs, CVS docs, etc.), please add a
child page to the Documentation sprint tasks page that explains what
the group will focus on and any resources that can help people get up
to speed. I will add working groups to the main Drupalcon sprint post
later this week to make people aware of them.

Sorry that I can't get more written down at this point but I'm pretty
tapped out with usability sprint work (which has been awesome yet
exhausting). I really appreciate any help that the team can pull
together. I think this will be the best sprint yet and we can really
grab a lot of new contributors on Saturday if we get set up to help

Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
