Summary from March 29 IRC meeting
Addison Berry
2008-03-29 20:57:41 UTC
So we wrapped up another IRC meeting and hashed through some more fun
stuff. This is a brief rundown for those that couldn't make it:

We discussed incorporating the existing About Drupal handbooks
sections into our existing "contrib" outline. Basically we decided
that that the "Is Drupal right for you? and Marketing sections need a
serious pruning and some of it may end up in our new handbook. We will
have a "Help promote Drupal" section that gives resources for
spreading the word. Anything else needs to go to some other "marketing
land" which still needs to be generally determined in the Drupal
landscape. Most of the rest of the About stuff will get absorbed into
our outline, with a few things moving out to the Getting Started
section. We did not actually rework the outline during the meeting

Next we discussed the tasks we need to actually do to get this thing
moving. We agreed that we will create one issue in the docs queue per
subsection. Each of these issues begins with "Contrib Redesign:" in
the title. If anyone would like to take the lead on any of them, feel
free to assign the issue to yourself. NOTE that this does not mean you
work alone. Everyone can work on any issue at anytime, just make sure
you are communicating your work and ideas in the issue thread.
Assigning to yourself means you would like to help coordinate the work
and making sure that things move along. Some "sections" are only a
page or two and are fine as individual tasks with regular community
review. Others are massive and will require several people working
together. Let's just dig in and start em up.

What to do though? Well we need to do the following things for each
1. Flesh out the outline more, if needed
2. Determine what existing content we have on d.o and make notes in
the outline about which pages go where (copying the page link into the
outline is handy.) Also note if the pages will need editing or if they
are fine as is.
3. Note gaps/new content to be written and make issues in the queue
for its creation. (One thing to also consider for these, is to look at
if they would make good DROP tasks and add them to the DROP list, http://drop.cwgordon.com/.)

Also on my personal TODO list is to talk to the infra folks about us
using scratch.d.o (or something similar) so that we can have a test
location for our changes without disrupting the live handbooks. This
way as we flesh things we out we can actually move things around and
see/work with it in the book rather just theory.

I would also like to encourage docs folks to take a look at the
discussions going in the Drupal.org Redesign group (http://groups.drupal.org/drupal-org-redesign-analysis
) since we are looking at having a docs.drupal.org home in the future.

Doc on!
- Addi
