Docs survey
Addison Berry
2009-01-13 15:48:13 UTC
I'm beginning to work up a survey about Drupal documentation. I'd like
to keep it pretty short and sweet and I intend to do several
throughout the year on various topics related to docs. This one is to
get a very general idea of who uses the docs, which docs they use and
a bit about participation. I have a draft braindump for the survey at
the end of this email. (Note that "if" questions will use skip logic,
so they will only be presented with one following line of questions).
A short explanation and a link to the survey will be posted on the
front page of Drupal.org. Feedback on this and topics for other
potential surveys are welcome.

For actually running the survey, I'd rather not use SurveyMonkey. It
is cool but also proprietary and I'd rather support open source. I
don't really have the bandwidth for setting up webform/webform report
modules or installing LimeSurvey, so I want to give LimeService a go.
The nice thing about LimeService is it doesn't get into monthly fees
(just based on usage) and we can do multi-lingual surveys. I think
this first one, even though it has language questions on it, I'd
rather stick to one survey in English. As we explore more multi-
lingual needs for docs we can conduct a survey focused on that and use
the feature at that point.

- Addi


How long have you been using/playing with Drupal?
less than a month
1-6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-2 years
2+ years

What roles do you take when working with Drupal? (check all that apply)
End user
Marketing/sales (selling Drupal to others)
Site administrator (day to day maintenance)
Site builder/architects (installation and putting the site together)
Themer (create and/or customize the theme in code)
Developer (write custom modules and tweaks)
Other (describe what you do that we missed above) <text>

What forms of documentation about Drupal do you use?
Drupal.org (including api.drupal.org)
Published Drupal book(s) that you have purchased
Drupal's built in help (in your Drupal site itself)
Articles on various blogs/sites around the web (not Drupal.org)
Company or organization internal documentation
Other <text>

What is your native language?
Chinese (any variety)
Other <text>

If your native language is not English, do you use a native language
Drupal resource?

If yes, which resource(s) do you use?
Drupal community website
Drupal community IRC channel
Published book(s) in your language
Translated Drupal internal help (in your Drupal site)
Other <text>

Do you currently help documentation efforts for Drupal (edit/create
handbook pages, work in the docs issue queue, submit translations,

If yes, what tasks do you do?
Edit handbook pages
Create new handbook pages
Provide transaltions (for core and/or contrib)
Work on the Documentation issue queue
Work on Drupal core issues related to documentation
Write modules/patches for Documentation needs (Drupal.org
customizations or contributed modules we use on d.o or for contrib)
Take part in meetings, sprints and/or the mailing list discussions
Other <text>

Of the tasks that you do, which is your favorite?
Edit handbook pages
Create new handbook pages
Provide transaltions (for core and/or contrib)
Work on the Documentation issue queue
Work on Drupal core issues related to documentation
Write modules/patches for Documentation needs (Drupal.org
customizations or contributed modules we use on d.o or for contrib)
Take part in meetings, sprints and/or the mailing list discussions
Other <text>

<free text>

If no, why not?
No time
Not sure what to do
Afraid you'll mess up
Don't know English well enough
Documentation is boring/lame
Other <text>

Any thoughts about Drupal documentation you'd like to share?
<free text>

Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pratul Kalia
2009-01-13 16:06:16 UTC
Post by Addison Berry
I'm beginning to work up a survey about Drupal documentation. I'd like
to keep it pretty short and sweet and I intend to do several
throughout the year on various topics related to docs. This one is to
get a very general idea of who uses the docs, which docs they use and
a bit about participation. I have a draft braindump for the survey at
the end of this email. (Note that "if" questions will use skip logic,
so they will only be presented with one following line of questions).
A short explanation and a link to the survey will be posted on the
front page of Drupal.org. Feedback on this and topics for other
potential surveys are welcome.
For actually running the survey, I'd rather not use SurveyMonkey. It
is cool but also proprietary and I'd rather support open source. I
don't really have the bandwidth for setting up webform/webform report
modules or installing LimeSurvey, so I want to give LimeService a go.
The nice thing about LimeService is it doesn't get into monthly fees
(just based on usage) and we can do multi-lingual surveys. I think
this first one, even though it has language questions on it, I'd
rather stick to one survey in English. As we explore more multi-
lingual needs for docs we can conduct a survey focused on that and use
the feature at that point.
- Addi
How long have you been using/playing with Drupal?
less than a month
1-6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-2 years
2+ years
What roles do you take when working with Drupal? (check all that apply)
End user
Marketing/sales (selling Drupal to others)
Site administrator (day to day maintenance)
Site builder/architects (installation and putting the site together)
Themer (create and/or customize the theme in code)
Developer (write custom modules and tweaks)
Other (describe what you do that we missed above) <text>
What forms of documentation about Drupal do you use?
Drupal.org (including api.drupal.org)
Published Drupal book(s) that you have purchased
Drupal's built in help (in your Drupal site itself)
Articles on various blogs/sites around the web (not Drupal.org)
Company or organization internal documentation
Other <text>
What is your native language?
Chinese (any variety)
Other <text>
If your native language is not English, do you use a native language
Drupal resource?
If yes, which resource(s) do you use?
Drupal community website
Drupal community IRC channel
Published book(s) in your language
Translated Drupal internal help (in your Drupal site)
Other <text>
Do you currently help documentation efforts for Drupal (edit/create
handbook pages, work in the docs issue queue, submit translations,
If yes, what tasks do you do?
Edit handbook pages
Create new handbook pages
Provide transaltions (for core and/or contrib)
Work on the Documentation issue queue
Work on Drupal core issues related to documentation
Write modules/patches for Documentation needs (Drupal.org
customizations or contributed modules we use on d.o or for contrib)
Take part in meetings, sprints and/or the mailing list discussions
Other <text>
Of the tasks that you do, which is your favorite?
Edit handbook pages
Create new handbook pages
Provide transaltions (for core and/or contrib)
Work on the Documentation issue queue
Work on Drupal core issues related to documentation
Write modules/patches for Documentation needs (Drupal.org
customizations or contributed modules we use on d.o or for contrib)
Take part in meetings, sprints and/or the mailing list discussions
Other <text>
<free text>
If no, why not?
No time
Not sure what to do
Afraid you'll mess up
Don't know English well enough
Documentation is boring/lame
Other <text>
Any thoughts about Drupal documentation you'd like to share?
<free text>
Can't spend much time on this (busy :-( ) but one suggestion -
Hindi/Urdu should be separated as Hindi and Urdu. They're not like the
Chinese variations.

Emma Jane Hogbin
2009-01-13 21:13:16 UTC
Post by Addison Berry
I would put the "contribution" questions into a second survey and
include a question on "Can we follow up with additional surveys." Make
it so short that people will always say yes to more surveys. :) It's
like the theory on instructional videos: I don't have time for 30
minutes, but I do have 7 x 5 minutes.
Post by Addison Berry
What forms of documentation about Drupal do you use?
Drupal.org (including api.drupal.org)
Published Drupal book(s) that you have purchased
Drupal's built in help (in your Drupal site itself)
Articles on various blogs/sites around the web (not Drupal.org)
Company or organization internal documentation
Other <text>
Change to, "Which forms of documentation do you find MOST helpful."

Add, "Which forms of documentation do you find LEAST helpful."
Post by Addison Berry
What is your native language?
Chinese (any variety)
Other <text>
Change to, "What is your preferred, or primary, language."
Post by Addison Berry
If your native language is not English, do you use a native language
Drupal resource?
Same as previous question.

<snip questions on contributions>
Post by Addison Berry
Any thoughts about Drupal documentation you'd like to share?
<free text>
Addison Berry
2009-01-14 01:37:49 UTC
Post by Emma Jane Hogbin
Post by Addison Berry
I would put the "contribution" questions into a second survey and
include a question on "Can we follow up with additional surveys." Make
it so short that people will always say yes to more surveys. :) It's
like the theory on instructional videos: I don't have time for 30
minutes, but I do have 7 x 5 minutes.
Hm, my first reaction was "it's only a few more questions" but I can
see the point of keeping contributions a discrete survey. I would like
that information earlier rather than later in the year though so how
often do folks think we can get away with surveys without being
annoying? ;-)

I wasn't sure if we should try capturing contact info for survey
takers. I was just going to make it an open, anonymous survey, so "Can
we do more" would be moot. If folks think it is worthwhile to ask for
an email (not require) then we could ask something like "may we notify
you about further surveys?" or some such. Thoughts?

- Addi
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
