Feb. 19 IRC meeting Summary and Log
Addison Berry
2009-02-20 20:32:21 UTC
add1sun has posted a Discussion at http://groups.drupal.org/node/19356
Feb. 19 IRC meeting Summary and Log
Here is the IRC log of the February 19 meeting and a short summary
is below: http://pastebin.com/f16e96f31
The main item on the agenda was to discuss the MBD Editorial guide
for Drupal.org. Overall it was agreed that the guide doesn't pose
any particular problems and largely lines up with the existing
guide. We do want to make some tweaks and then work to incorporate
it into the existing style handbook page. To allow everyone to edit
and comment on the guide, Lee created a new page under the
Documentation Community Initiatives section. We'd like to get this
doc tweaked and rolled in before the Drupalcon DC sprint, happening
March 7.
The only major issue with the MBD guide is the requirement to use
HTML entities for typography (e.g. em dashes and smart quotes). Todd
and Shannon volunteered to take on reviewing/working with various
Drupal solutions (like the Typogrify module) to automate these
We also talked briefly about the Drupalcon sprint and I'd love to
get some volunteers to help people find tasks, answer questions and
monitor IRC. Lee and Joel stepped up to help at the sprint and John
has volunteered to help in the IRC channel, even though he isn't
attending. We'll need a few more people to help cover the day and
I'll be making another post specifically about this shortly.
- Addi
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
