Addison Berry
2009-03-08 18:39:19 UTC
First, I want to say again for those that weren't in the doc sprint
room at the end of the day: THANK YOU! You don't know how happy,
excited and energized I was by all of the people, all of the ideas and
work done by the doc team at this conference and sprint. You all
totally rule. I feel great about where Drupal docs are headed and I
can see some crazy great stuff happening this year with this crew. I
am truly standing on the shoulders of giants.
I want to give big props to the cat herders and everyone that just
picked up a ball and ran with it. Also a shout out to Jack
(palantetech) for writing up an awesome post about the sprint (
). I've promoted it to the front page of and we have
comments on, so if you were involved in the sprint in some way, please
add the work you did and/or your thoughts about experience. I have a
lot of email and work to dig out of, as I am sure many of you do too,
but I plan to do more blog posts soon. I'd love to see more doc blog
posts from around the webosphere.
- Addi
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room at the end of the day: THANK YOU! You don't know how happy,
excited and energized I was by all of the people, all of the ideas and
work done by the doc team at this conference and sprint. You all
totally rule. I feel great about where Drupal docs are headed and I
can see some crazy great stuff happening this year with this crew. I
am truly standing on the shoulders of giants.
I want to give big props to the cat herders and everyone that just
picked up a ball and ran with it. Also a shout out to Jack
(palantetech) for writing up an awesome post about the sprint (
). I've promoted it to the front page of and we have
comments on, so if you were involved in the sprint in some way, please
add the work you did and/or your thoughts about experience. I have a
lot of email and work to dig out of, as I am sure many of you do too,
but I plan to do more blog posts soon. I'd love to see more doc blog
posts from around the webosphere.
- Addi
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