2009-01-18 19:04:42 UTC
I sent this out yesterday, but apparently it didn't make it, so here it
is, and apologies if you get it twice.
Pending work:
List archives:
is, and apologies if you get it twice.
Hi everyone,
As I (George2) sit in the IRC channels, I sometimes hear about
webinars or slide presentations that I wouldn't have known about
otherwise. These are great resources for the Drupal community that
simply don't have the exposure they deserve.
There are many excellent Drupal articles, presentations, videos etc
scattered about the internet that are time consuming to locate and
watch (if at all they are indexed), and as some overlap in content -
there are many for themeing for example - it could be a waste of time.
So, I'd like to put together a site that collects these resources
together, but not a simple aggregation site as there are also some not
so excellent resources! Also, I think a simple RSS fed aggregation
site becomes too large, difficult to search, of varying quality, and
therefore pointless.
Whether this site is to be a separate domain, or a subdomain on D.O is
unknown at this point. I can't currently see it fitting into the
current Drupal site, but with the redesign, who knows? (Hopefully
someone does!)
I've already put forward a brief idea to the assoc about this, but I
wanted to bounce some ideas around, and ask for some ideas and help,
and webchick pointed me to this list (so blame her!)
I'd like to have some sort of quality control, but I understand one
man's rubbish is another man's gold. However, we all know quality when
we see it. Should there be some sort of community voting? I'm not so
sure, I don't believe in +1, nor stars as these can be easily
manipulated, and people vote for different reasons, not just the
usefulness of the content involved. Maybe there should be a team of
people who say 'this goes whilst this stays'? Would you be interested
in helping out here?
I'd also like to have some sort of way that people who want to
announce a live presentation / uploading of a seminar has completed,
and it can be added to the site in some sort of updates section for
everyone to see. I'd imagine this could be published as an RSS feed,
but as for aggregating the content, I'm not so sure. What do you think?
Also, I'd like some sort of community to be built around the site to
encourage people coming back to the site, maybe to add their own
tuition videos, add new presentations, make requests maybe etc. I'd
like to encourage people to ask questions on the video, like in a
comments structure maybe, so that questions and answers are in a sane
place. And, to encourage video/slide makers to supply some notes to
fill in hte missing gaps. I have no idea what format to structure this
community around, so once again, ideas would be welcomed!
Any other ideas you think would work for such a resource site?
Ok, that's enough for now, thanks for the ears!
--As I (George2) sit in the IRC channels, I sometimes hear about
webinars or slide presentations that I wouldn't have known about
otherwise. These are great resources for the Drupal community that
simply don't have the exposure they deserve.
There are many excellent Drupal articles, presentations, videos etc
scattered about the internet that are time consuming to locate and
watch (if at all they are indexed), and as some overlap in content -
there are many for themeing for example - it could be a waste of time.
So, I'd like to put together a site that collects these resources
together, but not a simple aggregation site as there are also some not
so excellent resources! Also, I think a simple RSS fed aggregation
site becomes too large, difficult to search, of varying quality, and
therefore pointless.
Whether this site is to be a separate domain, or a subdomain on D.O is
unknown at this point. I can't currently see it fitting into the
current Drupal site, but with the redesign, who knows? (Hopefully
someone does!)
I've already put forward a brief idea to the assoc about this, but I
wanted to bounce some ideas around, and ask for some ideas and help,
and webchick pointed me to this list (so blame her!)
I'd like to have some sort of quality control, but I understand one
man's rubbish is another man's gold. However, we all know quality when
we see it. Should there be some sort of community voting? I'm not so
sure, I don't believe in +1, nor stars as these can be easily
manipulated, and people vote for different reasons, not just the
usefulness of the content involved. Maybe there should be a team of
people who say 'this goes whilst this stays'? Would you be interested
in helping out here?
I'd also like to have some sort of way that people who want to
announce a live presentation / uploading of a seminar has completed,
and it can be added to the site in some sort of updates section for
everyone to see. I'd imagine this could be published as an RSS feed,
but as for aggregating the content, I'm not so sure. What do you think?
Also, I'd like some sort of community to be built around the site to
encourage people coming back to the site, maybe to add their own
tuition videos, add new presentations, make requests maybe etc. I'd
like to encourage people to ask questions on the video, like in a
comments structure maybe, so that questions and answers are in a sane
place. And, to encourage video/slide makers to supply some notes to
fill in hte missing gaps. I have no idea what format to structure this
community around, so once again, ideas would be welcomed!
Any other ideas you think would work for such a resource site?
Ok, that's enough for now, thanks for the ears!
Pending work:
List archives: