Collecting Drupal presentations / videos / resources together in one sane place
2009-01-18 19:04:42 UTC
I sent this out yesterday, but apparently it didn't make it, so here it
is, and apologies if you get it twice.
Hi everyone,
As I (George2) sit in the IRC channels, I sometimes hear about
webinars or slide presentations that I wouldn't have known about
otherwise. These are great resources for the Drupal community that
simply don't have the exposure they deserve.
There are many excellent Drupal articles, presentations, videos etc
scattered about the internet that are time consuming to locate and
watch (if at all they are indexed), and as some overlap in content -
there are many for themeing for example - it could be a waste of time.
So, I'd like to put together a site that collects these resources
together, but not a simple aggregation site as there are also some not
so excellent resources! Also, I think a simple RSS fed aggregation
site becomes too large, difficult to search, of varying quality, and
therefore pointless.
Whether this site is to be a separate domain, or a subdomain on D.O is
unknown at this point. I can't currently see it fitting into the
current Drupal site, but with the redesign, who knows? (Hopefully
someone does!)
I've already put forward a brief idea to the assoc about this, but I
wanted to bounce some ideas around, and ask for some ideas and help,
and webchick pointed me to this list (so blame her!)
I'd like to have some sort of quality control, but I understand one
man's rubbish is another man's gold. However, we all know quality when
we see it. Should there be some sort of community voting? I'm not so
sure, I don't believe in +1, nor stars as these can be easily
manipulated, and people vote for different reasons, not just the
usefulness of the content involved. Maybe there should be a team of
people who say 'this goes whilst this stays'? Would you be interested
in helping out here?
I'd also like to have some sort of way that people who want to
announce a live presentation / uploading of a seminar has completed,
and it can be added to the site in some sort of updates section for
everyone to see. I'd imagine this could be published as an RSS feed,
but as for aggregating the content, I'm not so sure. What do you think?
Also, I'd like some sort of community to be built around the site to
encourage people coming back to the site, maybe to add their own
tuition videos, add new presentations, make requests maybe etc. I'd
like to encourage people to ask questions on the video, like in a
comments structure maybe, so that questions and answers are in a sane
place. And, to encourage video/slide makers to supply some notes to
fill in hte missing gaps. I have no idea what format to structure this
community around, so once again, ideas would be welcomed!
Any other ideas you think would work for such a resource site?
Ok, that's enough for now, thanks for the ears!
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Addison Berry
2009-02-03 01:05:43 UTC
So, I'd like to put together a site that collects these resources
together, but not a simple aggregation site as there are also some not
so excellent resources! Also, I think a simple RSS fed aggregation
site becomes too large, difficult to search, of varying quality, and
therefore pointless.
Whether this site is to be a separate domain, or a subdomain on D.O is
unknown at this point. I can't currently see it fitting into the
current Drupal site, but with the redesign, who knows? (Hopefully
someone does!)
I think this would be easier to determine once we saw the site in
action. I could also quite easily see a third-party resources
"section" though.
I'd like to have some sort of quality control, but I understand one
man's rubbish is another man's gold. However, we all know quality when
we see it. Should there be some sort of community voting? I'm not so
sure, I don't believe in +1, nor stars as these can be easily
manipulated, and people vote for different reasons, not just the
usefulness of the content involved.
Agreed, this is the tricky bit of having moderated content vs. whole-
sale aggregation. I don't know what the answer is in terms of the
community. If it is your personal site, well you get to decide what
goes in and what doesn't. :-) If it would be a larger Drupal community
site, then there would need to some clearly defined criteria for what
would be added. Not sure how narrowly that can be defined though. :-/
Maybe there should be a team of
people who say 'this goes whilst this stays'? Would you be interested
in helping out here?
I personally would not want to get into that game unless there were
clear criteria that made it less a personal judgment call. I don't
have the energy for endless battles with people over why I didn't
include their work while adding some rivals. I'm definitely not saying
that have a team of moderators to sift through content is bad at all,
simply that it isn't something I myself would have time/energy for
these days.
Also, I'd like some sort of community to be built around the site to
encourage people coming back to the site, maybe to add their own
tuition videos, add new presentations, make requests maybe etc. I'd
like to encourage people to ask questions on the video, like in a
comments structure maybe, so that questions and answers are in a sane
place. And, to encourage video/slide makers to supply some notes to
fill in hte missing gaps. I have no idea what format to structure this
community around, so once again, ideas would be welcomed!
Sounds ambitious (not that that's bad!). I know that for me it takes a
lot of work just to get videos/tutorials done and put out. While I try
to keep minimal tabs on the stuff once I release, I really don't have
the time for extended care and feeding. The other thing to keep in
mind, is if folks release something on their site and it gets added to
your site, you now have two places for conversations to happen which
can cause forking of discussions and repetition. I don't even have
time to keep up with the discussions on my own (or company) site where
I release stuff, much less yet another site too. Just something to
think about.

All-in-all I think the overall idea is good, though tricky to
implement well. I'd love to see this site and have a chance to try
ideas out and see if a solid solution could be distilled that we could
use on d.o. It would be an amazing resource, so please make sure you
keep us in the loop as you work on it.

- Addi

Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-04 19:09:13 UTC
George, I would love to work with you on this resource collection
system. Especially if we can make this resource collection
multi-lingual this could be of great value.

-Probably for bandwidth reasons it would be easiest to implement this
as a sort of bookmark service.
-Resources captured on Drupal events should be a great way to create a
basic resource library (e.g. movies from Drupalcons)
-You could implement a policy of quality comments (e.g. rating) on the
resource site, content comments on the site where the resource is
hosted to prevent duplication.
-I'm a bit afraid of the energy aspect that Addi pointed out,
especially if it's only a few people that are pushing this project,
it's going to get though to find the energy after a couple of months
of resource collecting. So it will be important to make it really
simple to add resources (e.g. with bookmarklets).

Which brings me to one of the projects we've been working on:
Some time ago I started playing with knowledge management in Drupal,
back then I made this proof of concept site druplet.org: you define a
problem you are trying to solve and then with a with a bookmarklet you
submit text snippets that help you solve the problem.

So while you do your research you build a "knowledge trail" for future
reference that also becomes a resource for the community. It's built
on top of neologism a semantic web project from Stephane Corlosquet,
which adds some cool possibilities to reuse the knowledge vocabulary
that is being built, but that doesn't really matter for the end user.

We could expand this site so that it gets more intuitive to submit
other types of resources than text (e.g. video and audio).

I've got a movie up about this project at
you can also check it out live at druplet.org



I blog at http://www.pronovix.com/blog
Twitter at http://twitter.com/kvantomme

You can find my profiles on
LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/kvantomme
XING at https://www.xing.com/profile/Kristof_VanTomme
and Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/people/Kristof-Van-Tomme/618847872
Post by Addison Berry
So, I'd like to put together a site that collects these resources
together, but not a simple aggregation site as there are also some not
so excellent resources! Also, I think a simple RSS fed aggregation
site becomes too large, difficult to search, of varying quality, and
therefore pointless.
Whether this site is to be a separate domain, or a subdomain on D.O is
unknown at this point. I can't currently see it fitting into the
current Drupal site, but with the redesign, who knows? (Hopefully
someone does!)
I think this would be easier to determine once we saw the site in
action. I could also quite easily see a third-party resources
"section" though.
I'd like to have some sort of quality control, but I understand one
man's rubbish is another man's gold. However, we all know quality when
we see it. Should there be some sort of community voting? I'm not so
sure, I don't believe in +1, nor stars as these can be easily
manipulated, and people vote for different reasons, not just the
usefulness of the content involved.
Agreed, this is the tricky bit of having moderated content vs. whole-
sale aggregation. I don't know what the answer is in terms of the
community. If it is your personal site, well you get to decide what
goes in and what doesn't. :-) If it would be a larger Drupal community
site, then there would need to some clearly defined criteria for what
would be added. Not sure how narrowly that can be defined though. :-/
Maybe there should be a team of
people who say 'this goes whilst this stays'? Would you be interested
in helping out here?
I personally would not want to get into that game unless there were
clear criteria that made it less a personal judgment call. I don't
have the energy for endless battles with people over why I didn't
include their work while adding some rivals. I'm definitely not saying
that have a team of moderators to sift through content is bad at all,
simply that it isn't something I myself would have time/energy for
these days.
Also, I'd like some sort of community to be built around the site to
encourage people coming back to the site, maybe to add their own
tuition videos, add new presentations, make requests maybe etc. I'd
like to encourage people to ask questions on the video, like in a
comments structure maybe, so that questions and answers are in a sane
place. And, to encourage video/slide makers to supply some notes to
fill in hte missing gaps. I have no idea what format to structure this
community around, so once again, ideas would be welcomed!
Sounds ambitious (not that that's bad!). I know that for me it takes a
lot of work just to get videos/tutorials done and put out. While I try
to keep minimal tabs on the stuff once I release, I really don't have
the time for extended care and feeding. The other thing to keep in
mind, is if folks release something on their site and it gets added to
your site, you now have two places for conversations to happen which
can cause forking of discussions and repetition. I don't even have
time to keep up with the discussions on my own (or company) site where
I release stuff, much less yet another site too. Just something to
think about.
All-in-all I think the overall idea is good, though tricky to
implement well. I'd love to see this site and have a chance to try
ideas out and see if a solid solution could be distilled that we could
use on d.o. It would be an amazing resource, so please make sure you
keep us in the loop as you work on it.
- Addi
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
2009-02-04 21:36:38 UTC
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.

Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...

Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.

After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed off with
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.

I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.

in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.

On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and start with
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!

Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-04 22:06:00 UTC
Hi George,

I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.

What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?

-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).

But if you want to go it alone good luck =D

Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed off with
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and start with
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
2009-02-04 22:48:46 UTC
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed off with
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and start with
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Gus Austin
2009-02-05 09:21:32 UTC

I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -

The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject (
http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.

There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.

Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed off with
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and start with
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-05 09:52:58 UTC

Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?

I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up

Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed off with
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and start with
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Addison Berry
2009-02-05 14:58:39 UTC
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.

- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting
resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
2009-02-05 17:57:13 UTC
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Gus Austin
2009-02-05 18:12:18 UTC
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim (
http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top

Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.

If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-05 23:37:15 UTC
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,

We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.

If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
brainstorming vote at:

Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-09 22:40:02 UTC
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?

Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!

If you want to join but you didn't sign up on the doodle poll yet:

I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?

Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
2009-02-09 22:55:43 UTC
just to clarify, that's 6pm central european time? which is GMT + 1. the
+1 after the CET is confusing me!

Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Gus Austin
2009-02-09 23:01:25 UTC
Once I figure out what time that would be PST, I'll round up the people that
are currently committing some time to make this happen. Cheers!
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she
has a
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very
valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption.
That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway
to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they
favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly)
how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them
off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better
vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting
resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-09 23:54:23 UTC
oops, yes GMT+1
Post by Gus Austin
Once I figure out what time that would be PST, I'll round up the people that
are currently committing some time to make this happen. Cheers!
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very
valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption.
That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that
was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks!
maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway
to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual,
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they
favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly)
how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them
off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better
vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting
resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Addison Berry
2009-02-10 00:13:14 UTC
Working from the Doodle and CET, I'm assuming that it is 12 noon EST
and 9 am PST. The +1 on CET threw me too. :-) I'll only be able to hop
on for about 30 minutes, but I should be able to make it.

- Addi
Post by Gus Austin
Once I figure out what time that would be PST, I'll round up the
people that are currently committing some time to make this happen.
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like
Monday or
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same
page for
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation
element is a top
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either
way, she has a
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week
and we'll
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good
thread to
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with
one of
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing
emails late
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see
is about
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team
at the
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins,
possibly if
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as
much as
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point -
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or,
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult,
I would
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual,
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good
to have
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they
favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular
reviewer for
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not
put them
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better
vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help.
With 200
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources'
tagged under
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going
to be
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be
at risk
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting
resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Kristof Van Tomme
2009-02-10 15:46:50 UTC
I've prepared a mindmap agenda for the meeting that will take place in
1h15 min - to make it easier to take notes (see attached)

If you have any points you think we should discuss that you can't see
here, send a reply please.


If you don't use mindmap it's the following points:

3 strategies
dojo like class series
aggregate the worthy
aggregate everything

what kind of materials

how to promote materials?
community vote
rating squad

storage strategy
own servers
using places like the internet archive

integration with d.o.

multi lingual content
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
2009-02-10 16:18:00 UTC
thanks kristof, i'd like to add:

briefly discuss the building and managing of the multilingual community
- ie. content/comments/posts will be in a non-english language, so who
will be able to moderate that content/comments / posts etc, and how do
we go about getting those people! (this is important because drupal is
worldwide, so why should ppl struggle with one great english-only

tying in the existing (and future) videos of dcons, dcamps, etc.

that's the only extra things i can think of for now!
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
I've prepared a mindmap agenda for the meeting that will take place in
1h15 min - to make it easier to take notes (see attached)
If you have any points you think we should discuss that you can't see
here, send a reply please.
3 strategies
dojo like class series
aggregate the worthy
aggregate everything
what kind of materials
how to promote materials?
community vote
rating squad
storage strategy
own servers
using places like the internet archive
integration with d.o.
multi lingual content
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives complimentary
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
2009-02-10 16:56:20 UTC
room has been opened called drupaldojo
Post by George
briefly discuss the building and managing of the multilingual community
- ie. content/comments/posts will be in a non-english language, so who
will be able to moderate that content/comments / posts etc, and how do
we go about getting those people! (this is important because drupal is
worldwide, so why should ppl struggle with one great english-only
tying in the existing (and future) videos of dcons, dcamps, etc.
that's the only extra things i can think of for now!
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
I've prepared a mindmap agenda for the meeting that will take place in
1h15 min - to make it easier to take notes (see attached)
If you have any points you think we should discuss that you can't see
here, send a reply please.
3 strategies
dojo like class series
aggregate the worthy
aggregate everything
what kind of materials
how to promote materials?
community vote
rating squad
storage strategy
own servers
using places like the internet archive
integration with d.o.
multi lingual content
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like Monday or
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page for
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a top
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she has a
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any innovation
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and we'll
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good thread to
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not consider
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own subproject
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official channels
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very
valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails late at
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is about
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly if
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption.
That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway
to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they
favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly)
how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them
off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better
vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two.
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting
resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Gus Austin
2009-02-10 16:56:17 UTC
I opened this Dimdim room -

If it doesn't work out, we can talk on skype or irc.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
I've prepared a mindmap agenda for the meeting that will take place in
1h15 min - to make it easier to take notes (see attached)
If you have any points you think we should discuss that you can't see
here, send a reply please.
3 strategies
dojo like class series
aggregate the worthy
aggregate everything
what kind of materials
how to promote materials?
community vote
rating squad
storage strategy
own servers
using places like the internet archive
integration with d.o.
multi lingual content
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Interested in Drupal materials infrastructure?
Meet us at the Dojo's Dimdim tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CET+1 - check
your timezone!
I haven't used the Dojo Dimdim yet, so Addi or Gus can you take the lead?
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi Gus, and all others interested in Drupal resource aggregation,
We can of course hold that meeting at the Dojo's Dimdim, either Monday
or Tuesday 6pm seems to be an option right now.
If you haven't signed up yet but you would like to be part of the
Post by Gus Austin
I was planning on scheduling another planning session (looks like
Monday or
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Tuesday might work best) using Dojo's Dimdim
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/17806) to get everyone on the same page
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
the Dojo project. As previously mentioned, the aggregation element is a
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Would be great to have Addi involved in the convo, but either way, she
has a
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
good deal of knowledge about the Dojo and will make sure that any
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
makes it back into the official documentation.
If that sounds good, I'll schedule a session for early next week and
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
keep the conversations going in the Drupal Groups (this is a good
thread to
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
jump in - http://groups.drupal.org/node/15832) and #drupal-dojo IRC.
Post by George
ok, i've put some times in too!
Post by Addison Berry
I have plugged in some times that I'm available, but I do not
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
myself essential in any way, so if a better time works for everyone
else, please go with it.
- Addi
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Can we maybe have a Skype meetup on the topic?
I made a doodle, so if you are interested, just sign up
Post by Gus Austin
I chatted to George in the IRC about some projects/initiatives
to what's being discussed here. The following thread should give you some
background and an idea how things are moving forward with one of them -
The aggregation element has been broken out into it's own
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
(http://groups.drupal.org/node/16873) and the goal is to create something
modular that could easily be set up on the Dojo site, on official
(g.d.o./d.o.), or anywhere else it would make sense.
There's already a good foundation, skilled team coming together, and it
would great to combine forces build something that would be very
valuable to
the community.
Come join the fun!
Post by George
Kristof, heck yeah, i'd love any help i can get :) i just haven't
thought that far ahead and really shouldn't be writing emails
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
night! please send me your email, so i can contact you directly.
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Hi George,
I'm not sure if you got my email, the only reference I see is
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
the bookmarks.
What about
-multi-lingual resources?
-my offer to help?
-There is a big chance I'll be involved in the video team at the next
European Drupalcon (e.g. for sure if Maastricht wins, possibly
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Paris wins).
-I have access to the Szeged video material (we put it online).
But if you want to go it alone good luck =D
Post by George
Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption.
That's why
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
allow the site to grow.
Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that
was the
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks!
maybe it
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway
to track
the comments on the original site...
Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual,
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different
explanations of
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they
favour one
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for
After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly)
how to
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them
off for
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better
vids, which
they'd be feeding directly to the site.
I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
wouldn't turn me on.
in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by George
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting
resources to
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where
On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Addison Berry
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
Post by Gus Austin
Post by George
Post by Kristof Van Tomme
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2009-01-17 21:19:30 UTC
Hi everyone,

As I (George2) sit in the IRC channels, I sometimes hear about webinars
or slide presentations that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. These
are great resources for the Drupal community that don't have the
exposure they deserve.

There are many excellent Drupal articles, presentations, videos etc
scattered about the internet that are time consuming to locate and watch
(if at all they are indexed), and as some overlap in content - there are
many for themeing for example - it could be a waste of time.

So, I'd like to put together a site that collects these resources
together, but not a simple aggregation site as there are also some not
so excellent resources! Also, I think a simple RSS fed aggregation site
becomes too large, difficult to search, of varying quality, and
therefore pointless.

Whether this site is to be a separate domain, or a subdomain on D.O is
unknown at this point. I can't currently see it fitting into the current
Drupal site, but with the redesign, who knows? (Hopefully someone does!)

I've already put forward a brief idea to the assoc about this, but I
wanted to bounce some ideas around, and ask for some ideas and help, and
webchick pointed me to this list (so blame her!)

I'd like to have some sort of quality control, but I understand one
man's rubbish is another man's gold. However, we all know quality when
we see it. Should there be some sort of community voting? I'm not so
sure, I don't believe in +1, nor stars as these can be easily
manipulated, and people vote for different reasons, not just the
usefulness of the content involved. Maybe there should be a team of
people who say 'this goes whilst this stays'?

I'd also like to have some sort of way that people who want to announce
a live presentation / uploading of a seminar has completed, and it can
be added to the site in some sort of updates section for everyone to
see. I'd imagine this could be published as an RSS feed, but as for
aggregating the content, I'm not so sure. What do you think?

Also, I'd like some sort of community to be built around the site to
encourage people coming back to the site, maybe to add their own tuition
videos, add new presentations, make requests maybe etc. I'd like to
encourage people to ask questions on the video, like in a comments
structure maybe, so that questions and answers are in a sane place. And,
to encourage video/slide makers to supply some notes to fill in hte
missing gaps. I have no idea what format to structure this community
around, so once again, ideas would be welcomed!

Any other ideas you think would work for such a resource site?

Ok, that's enough for now, thanks for the ears!
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